
the indian rider

​The Indian Rider

Sometimes the rains come in April, filling the millions of crevices that the earth had opened, dying of thirst. Then thousands of seeds buried beneath the surface, burst to life, flooding the air with their sweet fragrances. Yet, always on the first day of May, as if nature had its own May Day. And all…

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The next door neighbir

The Next-Door Neighbor

She thrust the hot wire in Randall’s nose and he screamed horrifyingly, as smoke and blood poured out of his nostril. She watched him patiently as he kicked and frothed from his mouth. She twisted the wire from left to right, pushed it back in, then twisted it again. When she felt that the wire…

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train spirits

The Grave Robber

I have seen it before in so many different ways. People who just want the spotlight. The cheering, the news, the crowds calling out your name. They live only for this. They are schemers, great thinkers, and people who could have made a greater contribution to the human race.  Here he is crying with the…

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Rolling Calf

The Rolling Calf

Grandpa said that the people who died during an encounter with a rolling calf, died because of their fear. The mystic animal would increase its size based on how much fear it smelled on them. He did not consider the animal dangerous, and although he never met one, was always hoping to do so. Brandon…

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golden goat

The Golden Goat

He raised his Glock semi-automatic revolver, and pointed, almost touching my face. I felt the cold sweat running down my forehead. My heart wanted to escape but I clenched my teeth and pressed my lips. I was steering down the barrel of a hunter’s gun.   How did it come to this, he was taking it…

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